Evangelical, Sacramental & Pentecostal : Why the Church should be all three
Rethinking the Language and Contours Of Christian Initiation
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The Lord's Supper in the Life of the Church
Maximize the Grace of God in Your Life, Renewing your Christian Faith Through Classic Spiritual Disciplines
與基督同行的禮儀靈旅: 學習肖似基督...
by Michael Perham, 李小釧
Category: C
by Robert E. Webber, 羅拔·韋柏
Category: E
樂聲載道: 當代敬拜讚美歌詞評析
by Brian D. Walrath, Robert H. Woods Jr., 何頌甡
Category: D
by Vinny Flynn, 徐明慧
Category: B
by 洪溫柔