Come to Me 來就我
Create in Me, O God, a Clean Heart 求主為我重新造清潔的心
Create Me Again 求為我造新心
Dust and Ashes 塵與土滿沾眾面
Forgetting What Lies Behind 忘記背後
God So Loved the World 神極愛世人
Heal Us, Lord 求主醫治
I Am the Resurrection And the Life 復活與生命
I Will Arise And Go to My Father 歸回父家
Jesus Began to Proclaim 天國已近
Jesus Says, I Am the Light of the World 世界的光
Let the Words of My Mouth 主前蒙悅納
Lord Jesus Christ 基督耶穌
Lord, We Pray with Humble Hearts 謙恭崇尊求主恩
Lord, You Are Truly the Savior of the World 祢是世界救贖主
May I Never Boast 唯誇十架
Now in This Banquet 在此主席筵
O God of Love, O King of Peace 仁愛之神,平安之王
O Holy Jesus 聖潔的耶穌
O Lord, This Is My Desire 上主,我心盼想