A Rushing, Mighty Wind 聖靈開啟心靈
An Alleluia Canon for Easter 輪唱阿利路亞
Come, Holy Ghost, God And Lord Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove 求聖靈來臨
Gather Together! 快聚主跟前
Go, Ye Who Bear the Word 承載真道被差
God Has Gone Up with a Mighty Shout 主神上升
God So Loved the World 神極愛世人
Heal Us, Lord 求主醫治
Hosanna in the Highest 和散那歸至高處
Hosanna! Blessed Is He that Comes 和散那!主名配受頌稱!
I Am the Resurrection And the Life 復活與生命
I Will Arise And Go to My Father 歸回父家
Immortal Love, Forever Full 永生之愛
Jesus Began to Proclaim 天國已近
Jesus Says, I Am the Light of the World 世界的光
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 凡有血氣
Lord Jesus Christ 基督耶穌
Lord, We Pray with Humble Hearts 謙恭崇尊求主恩
O God of Love, O King of Peace 仁愛之神,平安之王
O Holy Jesus 聖潔的耶穌